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Thursday, August 17, 2006


Jonno gets 122 points, because he is going on a mission! Yay for Jonno! There isn't anything more worthwhile he could be doing with the next two years, and no better place he could be doing it than within the Perth mission.

I haven't known Jonno all that long, less than a year. Ok, maybe that is a long time. But anyway, I digress...Jonno is going to be a great missionary. His testimony is good and strong, and he has a great desire to share it with everyone! But, he is also willing to learn. And learn he will!

GO JONNO! We'll see you in two years! (And we'll try to let you know if anything important happens while you are away.)

In other news, responsibility is back in fashion! Oh wait, it always was.

Oh, I thought I would hand out some more points today. We have a question, with absolutely no context. That means, there is NO RIGHT ANSWER. We don't want another fiasco like we had with <ahem>280<ahem>. Creative answers will be awarded points. Answers involving Google or Google products will be rewarded more richly. As will longer, more creative answers. Or, something like that. Points awarded will actually be very subjective. No correspondence will be entered into. I do not have a valid licence to run such a competition in South Australia. Oops...

Oh, the question - I nearly forgot! What do I want?

There is never enough time to do all the nothing we want to do!


At 11:14 AM, August 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missions are awesome! I might even write to Jonno. I will at least once, but I'm not making promises.

I hate responsability, I wish I had less.

Ok, what does Dallin want? Hmmm...

Right...Dallin would like it if everytime he wrote the word 'cheese' into the backwards google (it's all about the backwards) Pinky would appear with whatever cheese he wishes for at the time, and then proceed to sing the 'world of cheeses' song. That way he could have cheese at any time, without having to actually move from the computer. And of course, he'd have his little cheese cutter, so it will all be majorly easy! and of course, time would be allocated to smell the cheese before consuming it. Mmmm, feet!

I wonder what feet would taste like? I don't really want to find that out though. I am happy being ignorant! :)

Oh! And then he'll get closure with The Pretender.

hugs for all, Lion. :)

At 2:08 PM, August 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I haven't known Jonno that long either, but now he's famous.

As for what you want... Who on earth knows?! You're crazy and you think weird. No one should have to guess what you want! If you wanted people to know then its your responsibility to tell them, none of this guessing rubbish.


You created that fiasco, you should have known it would happen, you have incredibly nosey friends.

I'm not tall today. :(
But you are! :)

At 11:51 AM, August 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I know that if you had only a 2gig download limit you would want it to last more than two days, so I will tell you how I lost mine thanks to Google. My mum downloaded a couple fo Google gadgets and then two days leter there was no limit left. So Tommo checked the logs and her computer was connecting to google every fifteen seconds. We are so angry with Google right now. I was heaps scared it was me that blew the limit with the dodgey pokes, but that was a foolish imagination of mine. AND YAY! I'm going on a mission in three days now. And I got 122 points for it. I have no idea how to got to that number, but I'm quite happy with it. I'm wearing a T-shirt that was given to me by some one in my ward that says "Nobody does it better". And don't you ever forget it! HAHAHA! It's so stupid. And so wrong. HAHA! Tams' getting amrried! YAY to her! I'm giving her like 1000 points for that. She so totaly deserves it, plus when she gets married she won't be able to speak to us much. :( That's sad, and I probably won't ever see her again. But She is getting married! YAY! You all must read my blog.
Signed Jonno

At 5:47 PM, August 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all boring! Go boil your bottoms you sons of a silly person. Your mother was a hampster, and your father smelt of Elderberrys!

C'mon guys, give some creative answers, or I'll taunt you a second time.

I may even throw a cow at you, and a variety of other animals.

Ps. the above post will make no sense unless you have seen The Holy Grail.

At 5:55 PM, August 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever had Elderberry flower cordial? It's really very good. I think you should all go down to IKEA and get some!

No points to whoever can guess who this isn't....

At 9:24 AM, August 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elderberry flower cordial? That's the stuff Dallin was asking me if I've had... Maybe I should try some?

AHEM! Jonno rules!!!

Dallin wants Elderberry flower cordial? hmm, or maybe he wants to go ice skating? Molly always wants to do that. I know! Dallin want's a very impressive, big and expensive dictionary that he will then give to Rose. If someone could help out with this, it would be much appreciated! :P

Love Sexy Batman!

At 3:09 PM, August 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love sexy Batman too!

At 12:03 AM, August 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I prefer Superman at the moment! Batman is good though. I especially like Christian Bale and Val Kilmer's Batman.

I like lateness! My sister is sleeping -or trying to sleep- in my room tonight. Darn addictive internet...

So, are people going to try for points? I'll buy the person with the most points some elderberry flower cordial!

At 1:38 PM, August 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

20 points to Jono with one N cause I miss him ='[ I don't care if he's more then me! ='[

OK.. On to what Dallin wants..

Dallin want a car. The kind of car you can only find on a google search.. They're called Google Search Cars and you can only Search for them on Google.. Yay!

No, not really..

My real answer to this would be that: You want to marry in the Temple, have kids and then watch your kids have kids and eventually die and live with Heavenly Father in the Eternities.. And then of course you want to become a God yourself and do all that Godly stuff that Gods do.

Not sure if you will accept mine answer but it's what I know you truely want!


P.S. I miss Jono with one N ='[

At 4:09 PM, August 26, 2006, Blogger Dallin said...

Alright, here we go!

We'll start with Jonno, coz that is the easiest since he is not here anymore! And Tam already awarded him 20 points, so that will do for him for now!

Caro - very creative. I'm not sure if you could have included any more references to things going on at the moment if you had tried. Ok, that's not true, I'm sure you could have easily. You can have 20 points to make you the same as Jonno. Oh, and 5 extra bonus points for the Elderberry reference, even if it wasn't original...

Sophie gets 10 points for telling it like it is - I am crazy and do think weird. That doesn't take much creativity though...

Actually, I'm not sure why Jonno should get any points, since he was mad a google...But, it's not my position to take points away, so I guess the 20 has to stand.

Rose gets 15 points because she is Rose. And because she somehow turned what I wanted into what she wanted....Well Done!

Tam gets 35 points, coz it is ultimately probably the Most true answer. It's probably just coz she has marriage and the temple on her mind now days, but whatever...

Oh! Relating to that, there is something Google started working on back at the start of April - I think you should all check out Google Romance! I can't wait until it is available to all of us!

Well, all the best everyone. I'll seeya next time!


At 12:54 PM, August 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a retard Dallin. :P


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