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Saturday, August 26, 2006


Welcome to DPGet!

DPGet is an addin script for Messenger Plus! Live, an addon to Windows Live Messenger. Whew, that is a mouthful! The purpose of this script is to save and organise your contacts Display Pictures (DPs) in some sort of organised fashion, and with as little hassle as possible. I started off just making it for me, but decided that if other people liked the idea, they could certainly use it too. With MSN 7.5, I had always used StuffPlug NG to save DPs. But, it didn't (and still doesn't) exist for WLM 8.0, so I made my own solution.

The newest version (0.80) contains numerous improvements over the last version (0.75). Perhaps the Most significant is the auto update notifier. I plan to eventually make a GUI, but don't have much time at the moment. But this way, everyone will find out when a new version is released, without having to check continually.

Various commands have been improved, Most notably /dpgetall, which had a serious bug which stopped it from really working properly at all. It will now report how many DPs it does save successfully. I have also added a few menu entries, for functions I thought would be Most useful in those menus. From the contact list window you can turn AutoGet on or off, perform a GetAll, and open the home directory where DPs are saved. From a chat window you can instantly save all DPs from contacts in that chat, or 'imitate' the other person's current DP (Only works in single person chat).

Various Toast popups are now clickable. Those announcing that DPs have been saved can be clicked to open the Home Folder. The AutoUpdate notifier will take you to the DPGet entry in the Scripts Database.

Download: Scripts Database

Help: Readme - MsgPlus Forum Thread



Leave comments on suggestions and bug reports. I don't get much time to work on it, but I will eventually fix things and implement things that I can do! If there is something that really doesn't work properly at all, I would really like to hear about it. Please email me at < dallinh+dpget (at) gmail (dot) com >.

Thanks for your support, hope you enjoy it!


Thursday, August 17, 2006


Jonno gets 122 points, because he is going on a mission! Yay for Jonno! There isn't anything more worthwhile he could be doing with the next two years, and no better place he could be doing it than within the Perth mission.

I haven't known Jonno all that long, less than a year. Ok, maybe that is a long time. But anyway, I digress...Jonno is going to be a great missionary. His testimony is good and strong, and he has a great desire to share it with everyone! But, he is also willing to learn. And learn he will!

GO JONNO! We'll see you in two years! (And we'll try to let you know if anything important happens while you are away.)

In other news, responsibility is back in fashion! Oh wait, it always was.

Oh, I thought I would hand out some more points today. We have a question, with absolutely no context. That means, there is NO RIGHT ANSWER. We don't want another fiasco like we had with <ahem>280<ahem>. Creative answers will be awarded points. Answers involving Google or Google products will be rewarded more richly. As will longer, more creative answers. Or, something like that. Points awarded will actually be very subjective. No correspondence will be entered into. I do not have a valid licence to run such a competition in South Australia. Oops...

Oh, the question - I nearly forgot! What do I want?

There is never enough time to do all the nothing we want to do!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

A psychic Teapot?!?

What is the world coming to?!?

The Ball on Friday was great! Thanks to everyone who came, and made themselves look nice and stuff. And to everyone who helped setting up and packing up. It all came together and worked really well. And I had fun, and think Mostly everyone did too! But don't come complaining to me if you didn't....Oh, and thanks to everyone I danced with. It was nice.

I almost don't know what to do with myself now that all that stuff is over with the Ball. I guess I will have to actually get my uni work done this week! We do still have a whole bunch more YSA stuff coming up. We're meant to have another dance next month, and then activities both months after that, and then convention in December. Hmm...I should probably do something about that!

So, Sarah is gone now. I guess Most of those few of you who bother to read this don't really know her all that well. So, I won't go on about her too much. But I will miss her. She is doing the right thing though, and will be back soon enough. It's kinda weird, coz I have never really had a friend as close as her leave on a mission. I left before all my best guys friends. I don't think it has really hit me yet. Separation is a strange thing. And different people deal with it very differently.

So much for not going on about that...

You know what really annoys me? When I notice something about someone else that really annoys me, and then I see myself doing the exact same thing. I am silly. I have silly prideful double standards. But I am trying.

Anyone who comments about me being too harsh on myself will lose points. And I'll have to come up with some other suitable punishment for Jake, since he doesn't want points anyway!

For anyone who is interested, here is a photo of my cheese slicer mentioned in a past entry. It's probably not what you were really imagining yourselves. It works wonderfully well though!

Ok, well, no other points for today I don't think. Hope everyone is well, I will catch you all later!


PS. Is that really socially acceptable?