Representing or exhibiting the greatest possible development or sophistication.What a definition (Thanks Google!). Ultimate. Normally I would use it to describe my favourite game - Ultimate Frisbee. Fast paced, fun for everyone, easy to pick up, impossible to master, play just about anywhere, with just about anyone, with nothing required but a Frisbee. Whoever coined the name 'Ultimate' was certainly on track.
But today, something else is ultimate: Microsoft.
Whether you love them or hate them, chances are you have to use their products. Windows is, essentially, universal. And so is Microsoft Office. Word Documents, Exel Spreadsheets, Powerpoint Presentations, these are the usual formats that most people use to transfer information.
Unfortunately, Office comes in different packages these days. At least ten different versions, each including various combinations of the world's Most ubiquitous productivity software. A friend recently complained that she couldn't share much of her work with others, because they didn't have Publisher. The general problem is the cost.
That's why Microsoft named their most comprehensive version of Office 'Ultimate'.
It includes everything. But retailing at around $1000, it is out of many people's price range. That's where Microsoft's ultimate deal fits in. Australian Uni students have the option to buy a 1 year licence for $25 or an unlimited licence for $75.
Visit http://www.itsnotcheating.com.au for all the details. If you're an Australian Uni student, you can not pass this offer up.
Impressions of the Sydney and Melbourne trips, as well as of the Adelaide YSA Convention DVD to come.